Client Advisor

Post Bac +2/3
Work-Study Program

One-year training program in sales ceremonial, customer relationship management, and advisory services within a LVMH brand.

General Overview

1 year / 65 school days per year
Start Date:
Work-study program
RNCP Title:
Level 6 professional certification
Covered by LVMH as part of the work-study contract
Admission levels:
Bac+2 or Bac+3

Client Advisor Bachelor at EIML Paris, developed in partnership with LVMH’s Métiers d’Excellence, the world leader in luxury, is made to train sales experts in the luxury sector. 

Students acquire essential skills such as client experience management, sales ceremonial mastery, retail management, and customer relationship development. The program covers a wide range of areas including management, retail, marketing, CRM, and learning of the luxury industry codes. It aims to meet the high standards of LVMH brands by training professionals able to contribute to commercial results and creating memorable customer experiences in the boutiques.

Courses include sales techniques specific to luxury products, operational store management, and masterclasses organized by LVMH. By combining theory and practice through the work-study format, students gain valuable professional experience, enhancing their employability in roles such as client advisor or personal shopper. The program aligns perfectly with the expected competencies within LVMH brands, such as Dior, Louis Vuitton, Givenchy, Guerlain, Tag Heuer, and Hublot. 

General Overview

1 year / 65 school days per year
Start Date:
Work-study program
RNCP Title:
Level 6 professional certification
Covered by LVMH as part of the work-study contract
Admission levels:
Bac+2 or Bac+3

Client Advisor Bachelor at EIML Paris, developed in partnership with LVMH’s Métiers d’Excellence, the world leader in luxury, is made to train sales experts in the luxury sector. 

Students acquire essential skills such as client experience management, sales ceremonial mastery, retail management, and customer relationship development. The program covers a wide range of areas including management, retail, marketing, CRM, and learning of the luxury industry codes. It aims to meet the high standards of LVMH brands by training professionals able to contribute to commercial results and creating memorable customer experiences in the boutiques.

Courses include sales techniques specific to luxury products, operational store management, and masterclasses organized by LVMH. By combining theory and practice through the work-study format, students gain valuable professional experience, enhancing their employability in roles such as client advisor or personal shopper. The program aligns perfectly with the expected competencies within LVMH brands, such as Dior, Louis Vuitton, Givenchy, Guerlain, Tag Heuer, and Hublot. 

Program Highlights

Within a LVMH brand as Client Advisor
Fully in English
To facilitate professional integration
LVMH Masterclasses
Enabling knowledge sharing from LVMH brands
Preparation for the LVMH Brevet d’Excellence
Recognized across all LVMH Group brands

Program content

  • Sales techniques in jewelry and watches
  • Product arguments and sales in fashion
  • Sales ceremonial
  • Cross-selling
  • Sales forecasts, logistics and KPI
  • Management and leadership
  • Distribution law
  • Sales team management
  • Writing technics and e-mailing
  • CRM and customer experience
  • French etiquette
  • Luxury codes
  • Key market players
  • Culture box
  • Principles of marketing
  • Principles of communication
  • Point of sale management including merchandising and stock management
  • Digital experience in store
  • Accounting for managers
  • Digital marketing
  • Chinese
  • Adobe
  • TOSA
  • Operational report
  • E-learning
  • Perfumes
  • Gemmology
  • Leather
  • Textile
  • Wine testing

2 days at school / 3 days within an LVMH brand + 2 weeks of seminars + 5 masterclasses by the Métiers d’Excellence

Career opportunities


A professional training

Client Advisor Bachelor at EIML Paris meets the expectations of LVMH brands such as Dior, Louis Vuitton, Givenchy, Guerlain, Tag Heuer, and Hublot, by training students to be operational from the moment they graduate. The acquired skills, such as advising and selling luxury products and services, managing and developing client relationships within a retail space, are directly applicable in the role of client advisor.

Ils témoignent

Le vrai plus de cette formation est d’avoir pu interagir directement avec des professionnels et étudier des cas concrets.
Alexandra Saja
Cheffe de projet digital chez L’Oréal, Cacharel Parfums
Je garde de très bons souvenirs de mes années passées à l’EIML Paris. J’ai appris beaucoup de choses sur les bancs de l’école mais également au sein des entreprises où j’ai eu la chance d’effectuer mes stages et contrats en alternance.
Sophie Humbert
Responsable filiale US Kenzo
Le message que je souhaite leur transmettre est toujours le même : ne baissez pas les bras et croyez-en vous.
Alice Robalo
Cheffe de produit Accessoires bijoux chez Hermès
L’EIML Paris a été une très belle expérience, très formatrice, dont je retire beaucoup de positif.
Daniella Rakotoarivony
Le fait de pouvoir compter sur des professionnels rassure et conforte car ils savent de quoi ils parlent.
Bruno Hendrickx
Je retire une très grande fierté du travail que j’ai accompli au sein de l’EIML Paris
Patricia Cavelier

Choisir l’EIML Paris

Des titres reconnus
par l’État
L’EIML Paris délivre des certifications professionnelles reconnues par l’État (RNCP) de niveaux 6 & 7.
Une école
L’EIML Paris est la 1re école à avoir proposé des formations en 5 ans spécialisées dans le secteur du luxe
Une ouverture
à l’internationale
L’école propose un cursus international, des départs à l’étranger en 3e ou 4e année et des voyages d’études.
Un réseau d’entreprises partenaires
L’EIML Paris a plus de 700 entreprises partenaire et propose certains cursus en alternance dès la 1ère année.


Acquired Skills
  • Welcoming, advising, and selling products and services of a luxury brand
  • Daily management and merchandising of a retail space (boutique, corner, or showroom) dedicated to a luxury brand
  • Participation in the integration and coordination of team members within a retail space (boutique, corner, or showroom) dedicated to a luxury brand
  • Operational management of a retail space (boutique, corner, or showroom) dedicated to a luxury brand
Admission Requirements

For this Bachelor, one admission level is available:

  • 3rd year admission: Candidates must hold a Bac+2 or Bac+3 (BTS, DUT, BUT, or equivalent in humanities, communication, marketing, LEA, litterature, management, or commerce).

  • A very good level of both English and French is required.
Admission Process

To apply, candidates must have completed a two-year technical or university degree (Bac+2) or a university degree of three to five years (in arts, social sciences, languages, law, etc.).


Candidates must be customer-oriented, passionate about luxury and sales, and possess a proactive and positive attitude to meet the challenges required.


Fluency in both French and English is mandatory. Knowledge of another language, such as Mandarin, Russian, Classical Arabic, Japanese, Thai, Korean, Italian, or Brazilian Portuguese, is a plus.


EIML Paris pre-selects candidates. The application form must be downloaded here, filled out, and sent by e-mail, along with your CV, to


An initial selection will be conducted by EIML Paris through a phone interview to assess the candidate’s motivation, understanding of the luxury industry, and English/French proficiency. Subsequently, shortlisted candidates will be evaluated in a real-life assessment scenario and interviewed by the HR manager and the store director of the LVMH group to complete the process.


For more information, please click here.

Evaluation modalities

Skills and knowledge are assessed equally through two distinct methods: continuous assessment and final evaluation. Continuous assessment is conducted throughout the teaching period and may include knowledge tests, practical case studies, research assignments, and/or oral presentations carried out individually or in groups. Final evaluations are organized outside of regular class sessions and may include case studies, project work, activity reports, and/or dissertations, as well as professional role-playing simulations.

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